Perspective from our Families
I truly value the play-based learning that the two's classroom offers. My son loves coming to school and is so proud of the variety of activities he participates in, from dance class to story time to Spanish class. He is always happy upon pick up and talks about school when at home. And, on those difficult mornings at drop-off, the teachers are great at helping him transition into the morning activities and to say 'bye' to mommy and daddy. Knowing that your child loves going to school makes leaving for work so much easier. - Laura M.
Perspective from our Families
Educational Philosophy

The pace of a two year old is quick. Two year olds are rapidly discovering who they are through hands-on learning experiences.
Our classrooms are designed to reflect the identities of two year olds and to provide age-appropriate experiences that stimulate their naturally inquisitive nature and spark growth. We support children in developing at their own paces, and through intentional observation and guidance, we help children reach their own ambitious and feasible goals.
Daily Experiences
Daily experiences foster physical, sensory, social, emotional, and intellectual development.

Physical Care
Our schedule is designed to introduce structure with an appropriate balance of activity to stimulate, nutrition to fuel, and rest to rejuvenate your active two year old. Routines support two year olds in regularly and independently performing self-care tasks, such as hand washing, self-feeding, and making choices at family-style meals. We also partner with families to support children in toilet training. Ever patient and supportive, our teachers respond intentionally to each child’s cues for help in mastering these skills.

Sensory Stimulation
Our two year olds are beginning to process sensory stimulation with greater awareness and control. With modeling and guidance, our children finger paint with heightened curiosity about the slippery texture between their fingers, press firmly into lumps of playdough, and rub granules of sand between their fingers while exploring at the sensory tables.

Motor Skills
At any time, you may find children building with blocks and solving puzzles. Our children have plenty of opportunities to release energy and demonstrate strength, coordination, and gross motor skills. They jump and run outdoors, climb and test balance on low beams, ride tricycles, dance, and throw balls to friends.

Social-Emotional Skills
Our teachers constantly engage children in conversations, using open ended questions to support the child in elaboration, modeling appropriate turn taking, and thoughtfully listening and responding to each child’s expressed feelings. Teachers carefully observe each child’s signals in order to balance guiding the child and allowing the child the space to problem solve independently. Central to our practice, we use positive reinforcement by naming the pro-social behaviors demonstrated by children and explaining why each is important.

Language Development
With modeling and open ended questions, our teachers guide children to spin stories about their play and to name and marvel at the small details of their experiences in this world as writers do. Our teachers read with the children often, and our two year olds participate in early literacy activities independently; you may find them choosing books from the classroom library and pouring through the pages while comfortably seated on the carpet.